Tuesday, 5 February 2013

so another xmas has gone by and theres more homeless,not just the traditional comfortable achetypes of alkies and drug addicts,theres more mental health n 'few pack short' people,vunerable,and theres more couples that do show the benefits of that word often overused,love.
   Did the xmas concerts for the cathedreral,lovely watching all the different groups having their xmas bash,
 sad one was the coppers concert ,after two officers killed this year by some kid with a grenade.
The xmas charities worked hard.they are mostly not religeous or active politicals,they are normal people whos personal concience counts for all and dont need a preist or party leader to tell them what to do to make a better world.Amongst the cities revellers and shoppers the proffesional beggers come out,there's more dogs n face to face hustlers,as well as the ones who sit there begging pathetically,nearly all of em are not homeless and nearly all that money we give goes on drugs and alchohol.
   The sickest addictions i've seen are methadone,a heroin 'subsitute'.many ex heroin users and people who have become addicted to opiates through medical pain releif usually end up on the methadone,most having to go to the chemist everyday for their script.On top of the meth they usually take xtras,they get xtra social benefits and so can buy more drugs than an uemployed person,plus,they beg and earn loads of money.

i'm lucky,although I m mostly homeless I dont have any addictions,just a few fags.Ended up on the streets after a serious motobike accident,crippled and stunned.i have autisim but this has turned out to be a distinct adavantage when rewiring my brain and coping with being robbed and abandonded by my family.Amazing really,your own partner and children would want you out the way to steal all your money and possesions,but they do.For 4 weeks I was Manchesters 'Moat Killer' because of my familys lies,all for clear financial profit,they'd done it three times before but the police never beleived i was innocent,thats aspergers for you.In the end they relied on the fact that I was crippled and disabled with head injury to make clear false statements to the police,including up to 400 years worth of firearms offences ,drug dealing,kidnapping and extortion..........I though i was a poor self employed filmaker n classic bike restorer...after the accident theres been very litlle thought going on at all,that was three years ago.
   My brains tiring now,next blog I'll tell you how to lie to the police to have your partner placed in a secure hospital while the cash sale on the no debt house goes through,and how you can abuse the police and the rules designed to protect women and children from violence ,to steall over 70 thousands from your long term partner,whos an auty mong,unprotected from abuse.

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