Thursday 7 February 2013

been on my own in the wood a few days,away from the soup ques and charities.I've long ago learnt the mistake of getting labelled as homeless,nfa,by the health service and council.The council have this loveley scheme where they get homeless people shove em in a slightly adadpted tower block ,then bill the national housing welfare for £160 plus a week.They get this vast rent by claiming the homeless people are in a 'care' home.Care consists of little more than facillitating a space where they meet their case workers,whats more terrible is that they keep you there for a few years in order to maximise the yeild.
    Dont ever get fooled by the salvation Army.They have been at the forefront of making billions out of homeless people.if you ask for a bed the first thing they want to know is 'are you entitled to social security?'.
 The wood is free,and almost free of alkies and junkies,the cold and remoteness protects it.The snows gone now,was amazing watching the tracks.Last week i saw the foxprints heading up the steps,noticed they were fresh so walked on and hid,only to watch him double back and check me out.At least i know he's not going to kill or rob me while I sleep,like a minority of the homeless.Most of the charities/agencies are fully institutionalised and have long ago crossed the rubicon on the road to the normalisation of mass poverty.
    Its as if they think most of this inequality happens cos people deserve it,because they drink n take drugs,which is only mostly true.The last year i've begun to learn patterns and start socialising again.Just cleaning up the cathederal and having the kind ear or words from gentle people is a boon,we forget we are more the same than different.Each morning and evening the commutters and trains and planes appear and settle on the city like a twice daily rush of birds.The nightime is a nother world.My favourite times in the city are early morning ,especially in summer,and xmas night because of the quiet.The whole place takes on another level of beauty when there's no traffic and people.
    Now its nearly another winter past.Two winters ago I was well warm under a few sleeping bags and blankets while the hoarfrost played on the snow.It was about minus 16,last winter got to minus 5,like this winter so far.The cold is good ,it means you dont get wet,food and water lasts longer,and theres less strangers who would go to the wood.It takes away my head and back aches.When its really cold your body wakes you up,on auto.Food is the key.You can really feel your stomach generating heat.I dont usually eat hot food cos my stomach is a bit twisted and normal size meals hurt.I think eating cold food and drink,most of the time,is better for me.

   How i got HERE>>>>>.>homeless,penniless,robbed,crippled,slanderd hoo boo hoo yeh geton with it.........

I never knew i was aspergical,or autistic.Problem is longs a peice of string?....
 I was always used to being outside from a young child,wandering off to the trees and exploring the world.After growing up in Malaysia and Uk,then years later a single dad,dad,stepdad and all that time I always felt hyper and mad as a hatter half the time....So you go to the docs and say '''I've been awake for three days' ,or,I've got faceblindness,problems with milk and diet,allegies and sensitivities to water and nois,cloth,unable to understand time and really simple things...etc...etc...for over 35 years......did'tnt think autisim meant abilty to talk and be intelligent ,thought it was for hand flapping mongy types.
     For three years i kept telling the ex I wanted to leave.i told her that after all these years from when we met that she 'd broken her promise to help me get some specialist educational help,in the end she did what families do to people with disabilities,especially families like mine who managed my finances,she defrauded me,While the police were searching for a guy called the moat killer,who'd shot a cop in the face,she rung up the local police and told them I was a similar type,leaving shotguns lying around on the kitchen table,explosives and petrol in the kitchen ,just at a time when i was spaltterd by a motorcycle accident with head and spinal injuries,finally leaving her after three years of telling her,and when she was about to complete a cash deal on an umorgated house,as well as being worried that her youngest son just worked out his dad isnt his dad,NEVER DUMP A MENOPAUSAL MIDWIFE,they'll try to kill you.
    The police are a farce,easily led by lies,they dont care about peoples property being stolen,they dont care about fraud theft,faslse statement.The main reason Greater Manchester Police dont care is they should be so embarrassed that they have allowed hate crime against disabled people,especially mentall and physically disabled ones with brain damage and head injuries.
    Fuck you pretend to protect the innocent and vunerable yet you let a whole family steal,abuse,lie and misrepresent me.Do you remember one of my daughters,she told her student mates i was a horrid dad to scrounge victim points,it was'nt true but it did'nt stop the police dragging me off for interviews about violence and neglect,ALL UNTRUE ,The irony is police politics is dominated by fucked up political lezzers and fags,who are really AUTISISTIC biologically but cant find any other paradigm to express their'difference'.I have been constantly defraude and abused by my family for years now.This is why i prefer to live in the trees outdoors,with the birds and animals,because at least they are not going to kill me.Dont mind if the weather does,at least,unlike my so called family,the weather wont do it deliberatley to steal from me.
     It seems you can do what you want to auty people,especially if they are brain damaged.Dont think anything will change until we fight back.keep seeing the nhs killing off aspies and auties........nhs.....remember..the drugs dont work they just make yo etc...The national Autistic Society are a joke,as are most 'practitioners' in the feild of autisim,just as likely to be dangling crystals on your head or wanting you to dope up with serious drugs designed for mania.Fools.They never start with the biological.Its a PHYSDICAL disposition,not a MENTAL biological condition.Starty with your sleep cycle and some 'cognitive' skills,a good nights sleep, abusy day and time for self reflection are a must.Milk and some breads can set many off.Foe me two slices of piazza means I'm on the edge of anxiety all night,usually miss the melatonin sleep surge at 11 pm.theirs a different chemistry in the stomach.many modern foods are so full of allsorts it can be near impossible checking what you are eating.I eat porridege oats with water and dark sugar,bit of veg,fried breaklfast and fruits.Like eating one thing at a time,like a meal of mainly one ingredient.Its simpler for my stomach.I learnt early on being homeless that most of the food is dangerous for me,white breads,utterly butterlys and corned beef,processed cheese and processed flours.Its amazing how many people think giving the homeless cakes and biscuits .In some charities meals can be mostly made of tinned food so have a high salt n sugar level.I 'll come on to killing your own meat in a later post.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

so another xmas has gone by and theres more homeless,not just the traditional comfortable achetypes of alkies and drug addicts,theres more mental health n 'few pack short' people,vunerable,and theres more couples that do show the benefits of that word often overused,love.
   Did the xmas concerts for the cathedreral,lovely watching all the different groups having their xmas bash,
 sad one was the coppers concert ,after two officers killed this year by some kid with a grenade.
The xmas charities worked hard.they are mostly not religeous or active politicals,they are normal people whos personal concience counts for all and dont need a preist or party leader to tell them what to do to make a better world.Amongst the cities revellers and shoppers the proffesional beggers come out,there's more dogs n face to face hustlers,as well as the ones who sit there begging pathetically,nearly all of em are not homeless and nearly all that money we give goes on drugs and alchohol.
   The sickest addictions i've seen are methadone,a heroin 'subsitute'.many ex heroin users and people who have become addicted to opiates through medical pain releif usually end up on the methadone,most having to go to the chemist everyday for their script.On top of the meth they usually take xtras,they get xtra social benefits and so can buy more drugs than an uemployed person,plus,they beg and earn loads of money.

i'm lucky,although I m mostly homeless I dont have any addictions,just a few fags.Ended up on the streets after a serious motobike accident,crippled and stunned.i have autisim but this has turned out to be a distinct adavantage when rewiring my brain and coping with being robbed and abandonded by my family.Amazing really,your own partner and children would want you out the way to steal all your money and possesions,but they do.For 4 weeks I was Manchesters 'Moat Killer' because of my familys lies,all for clear financial profit,they'd done it three times before but the police never beleived i was innocent,thats aspergers for you.In the end they relied on the fact that I was crippled and disabled with head injury to make clear false statements to the police,including up to 400 years worth of firearms offences ,drug dealing,kidnapping and extortion..........I though i was a poor self employed filmaker n classic bike restorer...after the accident theres been very litlle thought going on at all,that was three years ago.
   My brains tiring now,next blog I'll tell you how to lie to the police to have your partner placed in a secure hospital while the cash sale on the no debt house goes through,and how you can abuse the police and the rules designed to protect women and children from violence ,to steall over 70 thousands from your long term partner,whos an auty mong,unprotected from abuse.