Wednesday 6 March 2013

exhaustion,but the spring returns,three winters now.

its hard to write this,being outside most of the time.would be easier if I stayed in the city centre,but the place is prowling with homless begging junkies and drinkers.One look at my laptop and they'll be stealing from me in  my sleep,like the taxman.
   Might be easier to relate how the 'homeless' system works.
Homeless people are mostly forced to live in hostels and tempory accomidation where drug use,particulary needles ,and alchohol are rife.In return the hostel/charity/council can charge housing benefits at the highest rates,claiming that the residents are recieving a form of 'care',wheras in many cases,a personality clash with staff could make you homeless again within the hour.
  The vast majority of these 'homeless' beds are taken up by people with bad addictions,and recent prisioners,who once had a 'probation and aftercare service',,,,but are now left in the willing arms of the salvation army staff,who dont mind,being handsomly reimbursed from national goverment.
   A doubly tragic face of this overcrowded dysfunctional homeless provision,is that those who choose to stop their addictions(very hard)and get a detox (even harder) go to de tox ,clean out their bodies ,returning with positive energy,only to leave detox and have to return to an enviroment full of drugs/alchohol/negativity.
   Needless to say,most dont last long,wasting more time and money.
The council are up there amongst the biggest spongers .Their homeless policy was obviously written by an accountant and relies on the same generous national housing benefits for 'care' homes.
 Its a crazy world when social security claiments are targets where the real criminals are bankers and councils,defrauding their sophisticated way through legislation,abuseing and twisting at every turn,while me and you will get locked up for stealing food ,or a blanket.
This is what the taxes support,the finacial exploitation of homeless people,by b and b owners,councils,housing associations and 'charities',like the salvation army.Its a filthy racket ,made worse by the massivefinacial drain going to proffesionals in the feild,careers built on the misery and social neglect of others.......

next time we'll talk about tramlines,trench gas,and how an open church does more than any co ordinated policy on homeless drug addicts,better advice would be to buy shares in the company that makes METHADONE.....big bizz,every year!